本劇講述了位於波士頓南部的Eligius大街醫院職員們的工作與生活。雖然只是個老教學醫院,但這裏卻有你能遇到的最負責人最有同情心的醫生和護士。在Donald Westphall 醫生的帶領下,Eligius大街成為了失敗者和受壓迫者的避難所。
本劇從1982-1988年在美國NBC台共播出了6季, 共獲得了包括13座艾美獎在內的22座各類大獎,包括5項金球獎提名在內的63項各類提名。丹澤爾-華盛頓在劇中扮演醫生Philip Chandler,馬克漢蒙在劇中飾演罹患愛滋病的醫生Robert 'Bobby' Caldwell, ,挑戰當時好萊塢的禁忌。
St. Eligius Hospital in South Boston was not exactly the world's best health care center. Despite its flaws, it featured some of the most caring doctors and nurses you could ever meet. Led by Dr. Donald Westphall (and later by Dr. Benjamin Gideon), St. Eligius became a sanctuary for the underdog and the downtrodden.
"St. Elsewhere" ran on NBC for six seasons. Originally a ratings flop, NBC picked it up for a second season for the sole purpose of grabbing some additional Emmy nominations. It eventually became a minor hit for The Peacock, until burnout by the writers resulted in its 1988 cancellation.
The series was nominated for 63 Emmy Awards and won 13.
This hour-long dramatic series featured life at St. Eligius Hospital, headed by Drs. Donald Westphall and Daniel Auschlander. Every year, new residents would walk down the halls of St. Eligius; learning to deal with perfectionist Cardiovascular Surgeon Mark Craig was only the beginning of the way the hospital and its interesting patients would change their lives forever.